

To contact choose2change to discuss your needs or make an appointment, you can email us at,  or text or leave a voicemail message on 027 200 7474.

Emails are generally cleared daily, as are text and phone messages, and will generally be responded to within two working days for appointments or queries. Please note, this is not a crisis response service.

If you are in crisis and need to talk to someone now

If you are in crisis, and need to talk to someone immediately, please contact an appropriate crisis service as listed below:

  • If you, or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call emergency services on 111
  • For support for survivors of sexual abuse, please contact HELP in Auckland on 09 623 1700 or in South Auckland, contact Counselling Services Centre on 09 277 9324.  For all other areas, please contact your nearest Rape Crisis Agency on 0800 88 33 00
  • For general counselling support please contact Lifeline on 0800 LIFELINE, Youthline on 0800 37 66 33, or free text to 234, or Samaritans on 0800 726 666.